These PleasurePractices are a record of my explorations with medibation — masturbation as meditation. Exploring self-touch and self-pleasure from new angles.
Not so much a ‘how-to’ but more a series of ‘what-ifs’. I share these openly along with an invitation for you to explore your own what-ifs:
What might you like to give to yourself, and to receive? What might you try that you’ve never tried before? What pleasure might you create? And what else might you discover?
Just me, some lube, a bed, and time. Touching myself gently and reverentially. Stroking, soothing, relaxing my body and my emotions. Creating safety, and landing into this sacred space. Away from all the external noise and demands. Just me, some lube, a bed, and time.
I let my slickened fingers stroke my vulva. Exploring the shapes and textures. Slowly. Sensuously. Unhurried.
Mmmm…how does it feel when I touch myself there? And like this?
Ah, yes. Oh, that feels good. Again, please.
No goal. Not in pursuit of anything at all. Just touching to experience pleasure in the moment.
My cunt is a sacred site. I am worshipping her with my touch and my attention.
Slowly. Sensuously.
Exploring how she wants to be touched. What she wants to receive. Building my pleasure, stroke by stroke. No tension. Just relaxed receiving.
I gift this to myself. This unhurried luxury of time, touch, and tenderness.
What happens if I keep it slow? Where usually I would want to speed up and tense up and get myself off – what happens if I do it differently?
What happens if I devote myself to this worship?
What happens if I don’t try to hurry it?
What happens if I just keep giving myself more and more moments of pleasure? And if I give myself full permission to receive it all.
The pleasure builds. I expand. My body moves and I utter sounds.
I am making love: deep, worshipful, reverential, self-honouring love.
Slow, slow, sensuous, slow.
I allow it to engulf me and carry me. All this pleasure.
A deep, heart-inclusive orgasm. I am awash with love and receive it fully.
“So beautiful,” I whisper, in awe.
Do you want to explore more? Sue Sutherland of The Feel Institute is offering a 3-part, online course during March 2021, for people with a vulva: Self-touch, vulvae, and sex toys. (click the link for more info and to book)
I am assisting as part of Sue’s Crew and would love to see you there!