I wrote this in response to my journey to meet my sexual self.
To meet your sexual self, click here…
I want to be naked in the elements.
I want to feel my breasts floating free in the sea. The salty water ruffling my pubic hair. My feet and toes tickled by seaweed strands.
I want to feel the rain running rivulets all down my body. Drenching my hair, dripping off my eyelashes. Unhindered streams flowing over my contours.
I want to roll on the earth and be patterned with leaves and dirt. I want the graze of grit as I stretch out along the ground. I want to take on the colours of a forest floor.
I want the fierce gales to push my body this way and that. I want to feel buffeted and at the mercy of the wind’s whims.
I want to feel the heat from a fire. Getting so close I begin to glow. Drinking it in. Reddening me. Seducing me.
I am made of the elements – they make me what I am. I want to go back to those places.
Be elemental.
What do you want? Tell me…