What the Moon Told Me

You can’t look directly at the Sun. You can try a surreptitious glance when the clouds come over. But, other than that, you can only look when he is low on the horizon; hidden apart from his spreading glimmer of fire. We worship the Sun… and yet – he does not allow us...

A Dedication to Intimacy

What if the goal of sex wasn’t (just) orgasm? A writing prompt and my reponse: If it’s just about coming, I’m not interested. If, however, it’s about spending time with you, skin touching, breath synchronising… If it’s about exploring my skin with your...

7 top tips for self-pleasure

#1Review your beliefs about masturbation and self-pleasure… Is it something that only ‘other’ people do? Is it a second choice to sex with another person? Is it something you can only do on your own? Can you only do it if you have a sex toy to play with? Once you’ve...

Would you like to be a Pleasure Seeker?

Midlife can be a time when we review and question *everything*. It can be a time when we no longer put up with pleasing everyone else – and sacrificing ourselves in the process. It can be a time of letting go, stepping into the unknown, and discovering new things...

Can you feel your sexual energy?

Here’s a recording of my guided visualisation to help you connect to your sexual energy…find out how it feels…and what message it has for you… Please sign up to receive...