

Desire, love, and lust… erotic stories, thoughts pieces, workshops recordings, writing prompts, and more!

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Are you in the mood?

Think back for a moment to a time when you felt horny... Maybe you’d been reading or watching something erotic? Maybe someone had touched you (consensually) in a seductive way? Maybe you were going about your day-to-day business and suddenly became aware of a ‘tingle...

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Shapeshifting through change

The last time I wrote about Shapeshifting, I was writing about my explorations and experiences of softening the edges of gender in my book Desire Lines: “I don’t feel like a woman any more.  As a woman, there are constraints and expectations placed upon me: don’t...

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What is intimacy? (and other good questions!)

One of my long-held ambitions has been to create a space where we can have open, heartfelt, and honest conversations about desire, intimacy, and how we each experience and express our unique sexual selves. I wanted to make space for curiosity-piquing questions and...

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The Presence of Absence

When you are inside me, exerting your pressure millimetre by millimetre until I stretch impossibly to accommodate the entirety of you, every other experience and yearning is pushed out of my being, and there is only that moment of knowing-you-knowing-me in this deep...

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Summer Lovin’

“Ice cream!” Lydia ran to the front door the second she heard the chimes of the ice cream van approaching the house. I picked up my purse and we went outside. It was the last day of the summer holidays and I’d promised to treat her to a cone with a wafer and chocolate...

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Time Piece; Time Peace

I have fractured time Taken it apart into a billion little pieces And scattered them into the winds. Where once I could chronicle the beginning the middle the end   Now time is everywhere and nowhere. Now there will never be a 'right time' And we will never 'run...

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Intimacy During Isolation

An alternative way of thinking about intimacy that isn't reliant on bumping genitals or swopping saliva... Two years ago my best friend and I learned a new form of intimacy. She had just been diagnosed with cancer; I lived in another country but made the promise to be...

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small talk; big hunger

I hate making small talk. I don’t want to discuss the weather, or last night’s TV, or the football results. I don’t want to hear a blow by blow account of car journey in rush hour, or how long it took for the bus to arrive, or how rude the driver was. I’m not...

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Do you trust yourself?

Somewhere along the line I forgot. I forgot to trust myself. I looked to others: For advice Validation Direction. I asked the same questions over and over again: Who am I meant to be? Am I enough? Where am I going? But I never quite believed their answers. So I kept...

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Metaphors are my kink

I can't believe I've only just realised this! When I'm writing, I see the pictures in my mind, and often those pictures are metaphors rather than the literal thing I'm thinking of. Take Desire Lines, for example. In town planning, desire lines refer to the bespoke...

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A Kiss From You

I have imagined your hands in such great detail. I’ve dreamt of your hands stroking and smoothing my anticipatory skin. The slight drag where your calloused pads catch, reminding me that you are more used to working with hard, inanimate objects than with sensitive,...

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