Hello, I’m Anna

Writer + mentor

Do you know what lies at the edge of your comfort zone?

The “edges” are the places I most like to explore, especially when it comes to conventionally “taboo” topics like sex, desire, and living life on your own terms.


Intimate writing…

I write books and stories to help you explore your edges. Erotic fiction and self-discovery guides.

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Courses and workshops

Say yes to you…

Do you want to explore what desire means to you – in writing and in real life? I offer erotic writing classes and unique workshops to help you connect with your pleasure.

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Editing and book coaching

I can help you…

Are you working on a book or other writing project? Does your writing feel vulnerable or risky? I offer mentoring, coaching, and cheerleading to help you get your passion onto paper.

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Truth and fiction…

I’ve written a lot about desire, love, and lust over the years! You can find an archive of blog entries on this website and new writing on my Substack page.

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I’m a multi-published author, I wrote the Sex/Life column for DIVA Magazine, and I am a former sexual surrogate partner. 

I have a PhD and a 20-year career as a health researcher.

I’m an introvert, a creative, and a hopeful optimist.

I describe myself as “queer in all regards”. This includes my sexuality, my gender, my spirituality, and my choices around the work I do in the world.

I love to support people to express their creativity and passion.


Testimonials & featured places

“Anna is willing to go to her edges when writing and courageously brings through themes and ideas that perhaps other writers would shy away from. She gives voice to those who may have been reluctant to share their own stories, and challenges the reader of Desire Lines to explore their own desires and get to know their sexual self.”

Nicola Humber, The Unbound Press

“Desire Lines...is a book like no other I've ever read... it gives the reader full permission to be themselves, to let go of all that baggage, and to explore their sexuality with a sense of joy and wonder.”

DIVA Magazine

“Anna offers a great balance of teaching, sharing, and writing, and a beautifully open and unapologetic energy (given the subject matter we were discussing), infused with humour which I found really helped defuse any embarrassment.”

Jennifer, Writing Desire participant

“Anna’s beautiful writing, sensitivity and honesty shine in this unique book. I love how the questions are there to help guide you through exploring your own desires, whilst Anna’s own stories – fact and fiction – give a genuine and thought provoking account of the pains and pleasures of doing just that. It’s a book that gives you a very grown up sort of hug!”

Bethan, Reviewer of Desire Lines

"Just what I needed."

Jay, Reviewer of Wake Up Your Dragon

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